
Attention Is The Key To Software Quality

I have been thinking about Software Quality for a while now. In this blog, I’ll elaborate on why human attention is the key to Software Quality.

Quality is qualitative (!), and depends on the human involved. It would be a big mistake to ignore the human and aspire for great Quality. It won’t happen. Because, Quality is deeply interlinked with the amount of attention that the human pays in all aspects of Software Development, not just Testing. From gathering the requirements, coming up with architecture, functional specifications, designing, coding, building, testing, to production and support, attention is the key. I have always said this, and shared this with my circle of Test enthusiasts including Anders Dinsen.

Bas Dijikstra mentioned the exact same point today as a comment to a LinkedIn post.

Well, attention won’t happen like magic! It involves nurturing and cultivating several aspects of human well-being, and taking care of oneself (Richard Bradshaw also mentioned the same point in a tweet today). It’s like nurturing a growing plant or a tree. If you take care of the necessary conditions, the plant or the tree will grow and bear flowers and fruits!

How to do this? I’ve been trying to consult companies on how to do this, but to some success, as everyone seems to be in a terrible hurry (to where?) and not ready to implement some of these methods. If you are willing, let’s have a talk. Drop me a line in the Contact Form, and I’ll get in touch with you!

I would also encourage you to browse through my other blogs on Software Testing and Quality. Thank you.

1 thought on “Attention Is The Key To Software Quality”

  1. Pingback: Essense Of A Great Tester – Test Musings, by Venkat Ramakrishnan

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